Monday 4 April 2011

Varsity Cup Entertainment

Varstiy Cup games played on the UCT grounds on Monday afternoons have also been a part of my entertainment during the week over the last couple of months. However UCT has made it to the finals and the season is coming to an end. Unfortunately UCT cannot host the finals due to the fact that their field's flood lights are not strong enough for a 7pm game to be filmed.

Here is a video clip of one of the games that i managed to get some air time. It's my claim to 30 seconds of fame:

Monday nights would often end in a festive vibrate celebration at Forries, formally known as Foresters Arms Pub. Forries is the most popular pub in Newlands and definitely considered to be one of the top pubs in the whole of Cape Town. It is very alive and energetic when sports games are taking place and is close to the cricket and rugby stadiums which results in it being a well known destination for festivities after the matches. The pub has been around for years, my parents always talk about how they used to jol at Forries. It is an extremely successful pub with a lot of character and i'm sure it will be around for many years to come.

1 comment:

  1. Forries was the place where I met all my Cape Town friends. It was the place we gathered on a Wednesday night ( known as mini Saturday)and we we met again on a Friday evening before dinner. If there was a rugby game at Newlands on the Saturday there we were again. It is an institutionand if you walk in there today it feels as if you are in a time warp. Happy Memories. Highly recommended
