Monday 7 March 2011

The sandy shores of the magnificent CT coastlines

When cash is low and you wish for a fun day out with your friends, there is nothing that can compare to a summers day on a Cape Town beach. If you think you may enjoy a day in the sun on the sandy shores of the magnificent Atlantic Ocean, Cape Town’s beaches are a cost free experience for anyone to be apart of. Cape Town has some of the most stunning beaches in the world. It is a mind-blowing experience that leaves you walking away with a smile, feeling rejuvenated and sun kissed.

In my opinion a perfect summer's Sunday would be spent with friends on the beach and later heading to the Camps Bay strip for cocktails and festivities at Caprice, St Yves or Karma later that night. It's a great way to end your weekend. It leaves you feeling as if you living the Cape Town dream!


  1. Which beach do you concider to be the best and is this for all age groups or just you young chickens

  2. The beaches in Cape Town have people that range from all ages. There are a lot of young students, however you also get the golden oldies that are the locals that head to the beach everyday as well as tourists. Cape Town beaches are also very family friendly so can be enjoyed by all! I would highly recommend all Clifton beaches, specifically Clifton 2nd as it is never as full as Clifton 4th. Enjoy the beach if you end up going.
